Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Audacity of Hope 2004

During the 2004 DNC, a virtually unknown Senator from Illinois named Barack Obama gave the keynote address for the Kerry/Edwards campaign.

At the time, we were on vacation in Santa Cruz. And as much as I wanted to see the acceptance speeches - I wasn't too concerned with the pomp and circumstance leading up to them.

So when that young Senator took the stage I was outside, washing my mom's car. And when my decidedly non-political wife came outside to tell me I should really see the speech I was missing, I brushed her off.

Later that evening I heard several people assert that Obama would one day be candidate for President. I was convinced that they were caught up in the emotion of the moment, nothing more.

And quite honestly, this is the first time I've seen his '04 speech in it's entirety.

For those who, like me missed the first go-round... or to those who claim he's changed his message over the past four years; I submit for your examination Obama's keynote address from the 2004 DNC (in 2 parts):

Once again... 'nuff said for now.

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