Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Olberman, the RNC and 9/11 TM

My man, Keith Olberman has once again hit the nail on the head. The so-called 9/11 tribute video shown at the RNC was clearly just more GOP fearmongering, and more of their BS claim that "only we can keep America safe".

I find it especially interesting that in that video, they end it with the tag line:

"... and we will never let it happen again."

Really? After 7 years of saying "It's not a matter of if Terrorists will strike again, but when." They are now confidently saying that if kept in power they will NEVER allow it to happen again?

I'll give them one thing... they've got balls. Unfortunately they're made of paper-thin glass and will shatter into a million pieces the moment another terror strike happens.

They've concentrated almost totally on Iraq - a country that hated Al Quaeda before we invaded - and virtually ignored Afghanistan, the country long-believed to be the safe-haven of BinLaden.

Yet they expect us to believe them when they say they are our Protectors. And only they can be trusted with the safety of our nation.

Have you heard about how porous our ports are? I've personally gotten on 2 airplanes with a lighter in my pocket without being questioned. It very easily could have been a glass knife or other non-metalic object. However, they made damn sure my shampoo bottle was the right size.

Anyway... here's a clip of the assinine "tribute" video from the RNC, along with Keith's live reaction:

While I've been working on this post, midnight has come and gone. So it is officially the 7th anniversary of that tragic day.

I remember a certain level of incredulity when I was a kid and heard adults talking about how they all remembered exactly where they were and what they were doing when JFK was assasinated. Ever since 9/11 I've understood what they meant. I still remember the moment I was told that something was going on, and even more vividly remember the first televised images I saw.

I also remember being inundated with those images to the point of saturation. I avoided the television altogether for days. I remember quite well the way I felt that day, and for weeks afterward. The images will never fade from my memory. And I didn't know a single person lost.

A true tribute to 9/11 would have focused on the heros of that day, and the families directly effected, and the healing that has occured over the years - as well as the scars that remain.

Instead, the RNC and McCain/Palin chose to once again smack us across the face with the brutality, violence and terror that we all remember quite well, thank you very much.

All in the interest of furthering their bid for the White House, with their preposterous claim that they are the more qualified or caring party when it comes to protecting America from terrorists.

Oh... and the best part is this - McCain has been claiming since January that he knows how to stop BinLaden. Yet apparently will only share this revelation with the rest of us if we elect him POTUS. Nice.

Olberman puts it much more succinctly than I ever could in his "Special Comment" - so here it is:

'Nuff said for now.

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