Thursday, February 14, 2008

in progress

Let me take a moment to say that this blog is currently in its earliest stages of development.

Its title should not be considered as a set of shackles. I will often use this space just to spout-off and rant to my heart's content.

I am currently trying to figure out the best way to add links to my favorite sites and friends. Keep your eyes on the sidebar. Today I added the Helium graphic-link to my "about me" page on that site. My intention is to link that to my articles. For the time being; there is a tab on the page you're linked to titled "articles". Click on that to read my stuff.

I have several ideas percolating for my next How Not To... stay tuned, the next should be up within a few days.

I also want to go on record as saying that Keith Olberman is destined to become one of the most important voices in American political reporting history. Big ol clanky brass balls, combined with concise thoughts and a charismatic demeanor equal my current TV hero.

"You, sir..."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Big ol clanky brass balls.

Like that. Very much.
