Monday, October 20, 2008

Fellow POW speaks out against McCain

Did you know there is a group called "Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain"?

I'm not really surprised that they exist - every voice has a group these days.

I'm just surprised that in this world of the so-called "Left-wing, liberal media" we don't hear from this particular group more often.

Call me naive, but I'm surprised that I actually stumbled across them while searching for information (trivial info at that) about Sen. McCain's arms. I've heard several different explanations about the limited mobilty he has in his arms and wanted to see if I could learn the real story.

In so doing, I came across a link that brought me to the VVAJM (my achronym, don't know if they use it or not) and the following video - which I believe says a lot that those of us who can't claim the title of War Hero have long wanted to say about John McCain. Only this time it's coming from a classmate of his. One who graduated in the top 25% of their class, rather than near the bottom like McCain. And one who had been a POW for over 2 years by the time McCain was captured.

I don't know about you, but I consider this man's opinion to be very important - not the be-all-end-all necessarily - but surely worth listening to. Watch the following clip and see if you don't agree.

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