Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Nailed to the wall by his own words

After going on about his cool headedness and ability to be the one to talk softly and carry a big stick - McCain sent a slow-motion lob the size of a grapefruit over the net into Obama's side of the court.

And Obama crushed it.

Listen to Obama during this clip, but watch McCain. He starts off all light-hearted and smiles, but when Obama lowers the boom on him you can see his demeanor visibly change. Not only does he realize that his own words are coming back to haunt him (and there's nothing he can do to stop it) he's also realizing that some of those words were spoken only seconds before when he couldn't resist a snarky, sarcastic comment and a chuckle as Obama lined himself up for the shot.

I don't care who you are, you've got to agree that Obama played this point beautifully. He must have been doing a little dance inside when McCain tried to interupt him at the beginning. It only made his point stronger.

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