Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Couric and Palin - The "No Answer" Interviews

Holy crap... every time I watch this stuff I am further amazed and dejected that Palin has even a single supporter. Not only is she clearly clueless -- her handlers haven't even prepared her properly for some of the questions everyone knew Couric would be asking. I defy you to find a single clear, concise answer any where in this first interview:

Sheesh... you can almost see her accessing her mnemonics as she stumbles through some of the assinine responses in this segment.

And here's part 2:

What? Democratic values? Tolerance? This woman wouldn't recognize real democracy if she had a picture and a map. And she personally harbors some of the least tolerant beliefs and opinions in society today.

Kind of funny that during her "answer" to the passport question she much more accurately described McCain's upbringing (son and grandson of Admirals) than Obama's (single mother on food stamps).

She makes the claim that one of the ways she has "understood the world" is through education. Somebody needs to explain to her that attending 5 colleges in order to achieve a degree in Sports Journalism isn't the same as traveling the world and learning about other countries and cultures.

Did you miss it? Couric let it slide, but Palin once again refered to Iraq as a "central front" in the War on Terror.

She asserts her contention that Pakistanis want to rid the world of violent Islamic Terrorists just like we do. I'm sure she's right. The part I'm not sure she's right about is her assumption that the Pakistanis believe that adopting an American-style Democracy is the only way to achieve that goal.

Every time Palin is asked to describe something, she merely alludes to it. I'll give you an example; I was a Carpenter for a long time. For much of that time I was a Cabinetmaker. If someone asked me to describe to them how to build a wet-bar, and I were Sarah Palin I would simply say: "You have to buy the materials and build the bar. It has to be built properly, and the countertop and sink need to fit correctly, with no leaks or gaps."

Which doesn't tell the person who wants to learn about building a wet-bar a single goddamned pertinent detail about how to go about it.

I am beginning to think that Gov. Palin truly doesn't understand the definition of the word "specific."

To hear Palin tell it, the Pentagon and the CIA are counting on the Alaskan people to carry out surveillance and defense against any potential threat from Russia. And - oh, yeah - Canada, too.

She also doesn't seem to realize - and this is a bigee - that nobody cares who the "good guys" and "bad guys" in HER world are. In the real world "good" and "bad" are a matter of perspective. And shortly after her glib claim to understanding diplomacy, she almost immediately launches into an invective against Iran as being "bad guys" in "her world".

I found these clips on the internet. The internet is International. Does she not think the Iranian President has access to this shit? If she is ever called upon if -God help us - she actually becomes VP, to meet with the Ahmadinejad; does anyone actually believe he will be receptive to her? Diplomacy is all about empathy (or at least the perception of empathy) and the ability to communicate with those who disagree with you with an even hand. She hasn't even been elected yet, and she's already talking smack about world leaders. Might play well with her base, but the folks she's likely to be "diplomaticizing" with probably aren't too keen on it.

And just so no one tries to misconstrue my opinion here; I am not personally a fan of Ahmadinejad. All I'm saying is that as 2nd in command of the United States of America - one needs to have the ability to consider future possibilities, and to watch ones mouth when talking publicly about the powerful people you may one day need to practice actual Diplomacy with.

Of all the colloquialisms she seems to have learned over the years, it's too bad no one ever taught her one that can be very important in politics: "Never say never."

Now... to end on a note of brevity; please enjoy another installment of Tina Fey's frigging brilliant impersonation of Palin on SNL. This one should be even funnier, coming so close on the heels of the actual interview... you DID watch it, right?

You know what? Having just watched that clip one last time before posting this, it occured to me... other than the obviously comical shit Fey says... she could probably surrogate for Palin at public appearances and her supporters would be none the wiser.

Scary thought.

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