Monday, October 20, 2008

Obama & McCain at the '08 Al Smith Dinner in NYC

It took me far too long to post these clips, but I just haven't had much time lately.

As tradition demands, McCain and Obama recently attended the Al Smith Dinner and put partisan politics aside (for the most part) to roast themselves and each other - and to make the obligatory tender-moment comments.

I thought both of them did a great job, and I laughed out loud during both speeches.

I hope that one day, whoever wrote their speeches is given due credit... and a job offer from the Daily Show.

In the spirit of the event, I'll recuse myself from offering an opinion.

If there has ever been a time when I really needed to see the candidates with the gloves off (even for just one night) it is this campaign. And to see them clearly enjoying themselves... letting their hair down, so to speak - was refreshing.

So here they are, in order of appearance:

---> I haven't been able to find the very end of McCain's speech - but this was pretty close, if memory serves.

If I had to pick my favorite line from each candidate, off the top of my head, right now?

McCain: Obama "has a pet name for me, too... George Bush."

Obama: "My greatest weakness... It's possible that I'm a little TOO awesome."

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