Monday, October 20, 2008

Palin's "Monkey Man"

Among the seeming HOURS of fearmongering and racism I've seen one clip at a time over the past few weeks in footage from McCain/Palin rallies - the Monkey Man takes the cake.

In the first clip, we see him proudly showing off his Curious George doll with an Obama bumper sticker wrapped around its head.

"This is "Little Hussein"... Little Hussein wanted to hear some "truth"." He says.

Monkey Man appears from 1:31 to 1:48 in the following clip.

Seems pretty proud of himself, right? As though he has no consideration that he's doing anything immoral or negative, right?

But then he's caught by another camera inside the rally. Perhaps a camera that he doesn't see as being "friendly" like the first one?

Watch him writhe and wriggle. Watch him try to casually remove the bumper sticker. Watch him finally hand-off the doll (now sans sticker) to a toddler in the row in front of him.

These are the people that McCain/Palin are attracting like moths to a flame. Do you really want to be one of them?

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